Nous vous informons que du 10 Août jusqu'a le 1 Septembre , nous sommes fermées pour vacances. Les commandes reçues pendant cette période seront expédiées à partir du 2 Septembre. Merci d'avance.

Nouvelle collection ENTOPINS / Nous vous présentons la collection des épingles entomologiques SAN JORGE, produits à l'Espagne. Nous fabriquons de nouvelles qualités dépingles sur la base de notre espérience. Notre programme d'épingles entomologiques, s'appuiera sur les mesures actuelles qui existent sur le marche et en 4 qualités différentes.


san jorge 1927

We are in the process of launching our SAN JORGE branded Entopins range, which will include new qualities based upon our experience of pin manufacturing.

Our program will include four qualities for each size of Ento pin that are currently available in the market place.

Each quality will have different properties that will meet the requirements for the preservation of different specimens.


We will make these pins in four different quality:

AIS (Alfiler Inoxidable Spring Wire)
: Stainless Steel spring wire pins are the hardest pins made in Stainless Steel wire AIS304 for the long term storage of specimens.
AIN (Alfiler Inoxidable Normal tensile): Stainless Steel AISI304 bright polished standard wire pins, also for long term storage of specimens.
AAB (Alfiler Acero Black): High Carbon Steel hardened and tempered black finish pins for shorter term storage of specimens, finish Black.
AAN (Alfiler Acero Nickel): High Carbon Steel hardened, tempered and Nickel plated finish pins for shorter term storage of specimens.

A big difference from the ones on the market is that they have a solid head. Solid metal head, or upset heads (one-piece design)Solid metal head, or upset heads (one-piece design). The size of the pin head will be in the size range of 2 to 2.5 times the diameter of the wire, although for ultrafine pins, the head size will be smaller than for bigger gauges.The head will never will be removed from the stem unlike Nylon headed pins.

solid head plata ptit 

If you need more informacion you can ask us at Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. for the presentation of Entopins.



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